“If the environment changes with your
heart, then happiness will come; if your heart changes with the environment,
then chaos will come.”
What influences one’s heart in this chaotic
world is not the outer environment but one’s emotions and attitudes. Internal
Phenomenon focuses on emotions. The project
combines with new media, utilizes the reformation of interactive images, and
reproduces the changing process of emotions. The audience realizes the nature
of emotions and the importance of emotional conversion when they are involved
in the great flood of emotions.
The seven-minute
artwork leads the audience to understand the meaning of the project with four
chapters – Tranquility, Stricture, Transition, and Return.
The Interactive Part
Tranquility – Real-time scene scanning and
visualizing (Kinect – Point Cloud)
Stricture – Emotion recognition (Affectiva)
Transition –Emotion recognition (Affectiva)
Real-time calculus performs the
visualization and the interaction.
『 境隨心轉則悅,心隨境轉則亂 』
在這絮亂的世界,影響內在苦樂的並非外界環境,而是由自身的情緒心態來決定。Internal Phenomenon以情緒為主軸,透過與新媒體的結合,運用互動影像的形式重組並再現情感轉換的過程,讓觀者拋入情緒洪流的同時,從中領悟情緒的本質,以及轉化心境的重要。
平 : 即時場景掃描與視覺化 ( Kinect - Point Cloud )
縛 : 情緒辨識 ( Affectiva )
轉 : 情緒辨識 ( Affectiva )