
Internal Phenomenon

- 2017   

Project Type Installation
Client Self-Initiated
Location Venue

Credits :
Visual Design & Programming | Ke Jyun Wu

“If the environment changes with your heart, then happiness will come; if your heart changes with the environment, then chaos will come.”

What influences one’s heart in this chaotic world is not the outer environment but one’s emotions and attitudes. Internal Phenomenon focuses on emotions. The project combines with new media, utilizes the reformation of interactive images, and reproduces the changing process of emotions. The audience realizes the nature of emotions and the importance of emotional conversion when they are involved in the great flood of emotions.

The seven-minute artwork leads the audience to understand the meaning of the project with four chapters – Tranquility, Stricture, Transition, and Return.

The Interactive Part

Tranquility – Real-time scene scanning and visualizing (Kinect – Point Cloud)
Stricture – Emotion recognition (Affectiva)
Transition –Emotion recognition (Affectiva)
Real-time calculus performs the visualization and the interaction.

『 境隨心轉則悅,心隨境轉則亂 』
在這絮亂的世界,影響內在苦樂的並非外界環境,而是由自身的情緒心態來決定。Internal Phenomenon以情緒為主軸,透過與新媒體的結合,運用互動影像的形式重組並再現情感轉換的過程,讓觀者拋入情緒洪流的同時,從中領悟情緒的本質,以及轉化心境的重要。


平 : 即時場景掃描與視覺化 ( Kinect - Point Cloud  )
縛 : 情緒辨識 ( Affectiva )
轉 : 情緒辨識 ( Affectiva )


Chapter One 

-- Tranquility

Concept /  概念

Things and people travel through our lives shortly and simply. After we encounter these passengers, we express totally different emotions with each other because our memories and personalities differ from them. The emotions accumulate every single moment and the feelings grow out from our hearts. Those feelings then bring us into our state of mind. The mentioned process is originated from the reflection of our internal mentality. The subjective cognition decides our state of mind is either struggling or pleasant. If we review the whole process as a bystander, we will realize all the emotions are temporary and what influences us is ourselves.


Interactive Mode /  互動方式

The infrared sensor, which locates right in front of the stage, immediately catches the silhouettes of the participants. At the same time, the sensor visualizes the silhouettes and projects them to the virtual scene. The participants can control their self in the virtual scene and interact with the ball and the environment after the visualizing process.


Chapter Two

-- Stricture

Concept /  概念

Everyone cannot avoid facing difficulties throughout their lives. Sometimes we lose control of our state of mind and become gloomy. Other times we experience the unstableness of our emotions after going through frustration several times. This kind of experience also alters our attitudes towards everything – like the way we talk and express silently influences people around us. Try to let go of your subjective stereotypes and emotions. View things in a broader perspective and adjust your attitudes. In that case, you might get a completely different result. Eileen Chang, one of the greatest Chinese writers, said, “The world will smile with you when you smile, but no one will cry along with you.” Smiling could be the simplest and purest way to deal with frustrating situations and also the best medicine to ease the pressure in your heart.

一生中難免會遭遇許多困難,在經歷多次挫折與打擊後,我們有時會喪失心境的主控權,進而鬱鬱寡歡、時喜時悲,予以同時改變了我們看事物的心態,而自身的談吐、表情也潛移默化的影響周遭。這樣的狀況下,試著放下主觀的成見與情緒而去綜觀事件、調整心態,或許將得到全然不同的結果。張愛玲說過:「笑全世界便與你同笑,哭你便獨自哭」,當遭遇上述狀況時,或許微 笑是一種最純粹與直接的方式,也是最能解放內心壓抑的良藥。


Interactive Mode / 互動方式

The performance area has a mirror on the left side. The micro-computer, which is installed inside the mirror, detects people’s facial expressions.
The scene immediately adjusts the brightness, the active level of the particles, and the photosphere’s fluctuating range according to the strength of the participants’ smile.


Chapter Three

-- Transition 

Concept /  概念

After several transitions of emotions, one’s heart will be back to stability and tranquility, but the rise of the emotions will break the calmness again. However, the transition differs from each person, which makes it unpredictable.


Interactive Mode / 互動方式

The performance area has a mirror on the left side. The micro-computer, which is installed inside the mirror, detects people’s facial expressions.
The scene switches to the corresponding emotional tunnel according to the facial expressions of the participants.


Chapter Four

-- Return

Concept /  概念

After suffering from the storm of emotions and being back to tranquility, we look back and realize the way our emotions work – the process repeats itself over and over again. What we can do is to gain experience over time, gradually become familiar with our emotions, and calmly distinguish the true quality and essence of things in our lives. This is the only way to let the environment change with your heart.


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