
Discovering Technology
Treasures  - Tech Formula

- 2018

Project Type Installation
Client 經濟部技術處
Agency  IF PLUS CO., LTD.
Location 台中文化創意產業園區-國際展演廳

Credits :
Creative Design IF+
Design Ke Jyun Wu
Interaction System Ke Jyun Wu, James Wang, IF+

Discovering Technology Treasures is the most famous inno-tech interactive exhibition, which has been held since 2014. It has reached about 270 thousand visitors and has facilitated over 500 technical negotiations.

The digital platform, IF Plus, gave us the opportunity to design and create exhibits for the exhibition, such as the interactive graphic design and interactive system in the Gene Formula Area. The first step for the participants is following the direction to enter graphic information about creatures. Then, the complicated Light of the Knowledge Web lights up through intelligent identification and transmission. In this process, the participants work together and produce the motive power of gravity equation.

「 解密科技寶藏 」為全台最具盛名的創新科技互動展,從2014年舉辦迄今,已累積近27萬人次參觀人潮,促成逾500件技術洽商。



-- First Part

The interactive table is the first part of the Gene Formula Area.
The participants use their phones to search for images which match the animals’ names on the table. They put the images they found in the Image Recognition Area and the computer start the image recognition process through Deep Force.

體驗者們須利用手機找出與桌面顯示之動物名稱的相對應圖片,並放入影像辨識區,隨即電腦將透過Deep Force開始進行影像辨識。


-- Second Part

Interactive Ground is the second part of the Gene Formula Area.
When the participants give the right answers, the answered questions are added to the Alphabet Ring on the ground and then activate a motion picture show. When the questions in all of the six areas have been answered, a larger motion picture show will start. In addition, with two radars around the area for detection, the alphabets move and enlarge when the participants step on them.


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