DigiWave - Treasure
- 2019
Project Type | Performance, Installation
Economic | Develoment Bureau, Kaohsiung City Goverment
Location | Kaohsiung Music Center
DigiWave is a digital trend that talks about the development trend of digital industries in Kaohsiung City. Digi is the means, and Wave is the ideological trend, flow, and also communication. We hope that through DigiWave each year, we are able to ask the crucial question to an important issue in our lives. Communicating through technology and presenting through the forms of exhibitions and events, we hope to bright about the next wave in the progression of life.
The team received an invitation to participate in the DigiWave event and to work together with musician Lim Giong to create an installation and a performance. In addition, we decide to make two of the four visuals that made with Unity open source. I hope this can give people who have difficulties in creation some help or inspiration, hope you guys will love it. ( Github )

Seeing half of the beautiful seashell buried in the sand at the beach.
We always pick it up subconsciously, place it next to our ear, and, for some unknown reason, say that it’s the “Sound of the Sea.”
Shellfish are like the sculptures of God. From color, material to shape, they all contain pure, yet extremely complex constitution aesthetics.
This “Treasure” project is based on the deconstruction of the beauty of shellfish. These are taken from nature and using new media as the medium, these are re-translated into sounds and visuals.
We always pick it up subconsciously, place it next to our ear, and, for some unknown reason, say that it’s the “Sound of the Sea.”
Shellfish are like the sculptures of God. From color, material to shape, they all contain pure, yet extremely complex constitution aesthetics.
This “Treasure” project is based on the deconstruction of the beauty of shellfish. These are taken from nature and using new media as the medium, these are re-translated into sounds and visuals.