
Zendō Project

- 2019

Project Type Installation
Client Zendo Tools
Location Los Angeles

Design & Program Ke Jyun Wu

Zendō tools, a newly established company in Los Angeles, is committed to combining technology with media. People will obtain a better experience during meditation through these kinds of combination. I was invited as an artist by Zendō to produce the content of the digital experience for the brand new event.

Zendō Project is an immersive and interactive installation. We try to combine technology with art and help participant to relax and calm down. The device receives the data of heart rate and physical motion through every participant’s wearable equipment. The installation transforms the meditating status of each individual and group within the domain to digital visual and sound effect in real-time.

Zendō Tools是間位於洛杉磯的新創公司,致力於揉合各式科技、媒材去輔佐人們在冥想中獲得更好的體驗。此次獲 Zendō 的委託,以Artist的身份為他們全新的活動規劃數位體驗內容。

Zendō Project 是一個沉浸式的體驗互動裝置,我們試著結合科技與藝術去協助人們在冥想的過程中尋找平靜與放鬆。每位參與者可以透過穿戴式設備將心率與肢體動態等資訊傳送至裝置,裝置會即時的依據場域內的每位個體與群體的冥想狀態進行視覺與聽覺化。


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